Change the opening hours of at least one nursery in every city and make it 24/7,we are so many people working hard in IGaming and factories 24/7,we have no w-ends, no holidays and we do not benefit from the Gov Scheme for Childcare because their opening hours don't help us at all,not all of us have the luxury of working in an office Monday-Friday 08.00-17.00 and it's almost impossible most of the time to swap our shift to match the nursery!
We should start looking away from the 'normal' office hours system. Today's jobs are not fixed by location or time. Many of us work online for foreign companies with different time zones. State childcare should support such situations, especially since we all pay the same taxes.
Because as the article says. Most jobs are even on saturdays and on public holidays and some even late hours! Most childcare centres do not open on weekends and on public holidays and have closing time at 3pm or 5pm which is not convenient for a lot of parents
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation